In 1500-1809 the land of Mayne-Vieil belonged to the family of Paty. The squire of Paty, Lord Mayne-Vieil built the chateau in the seventeenth century when the wineries replaced the fortified house
Mayne-Vieil was then bought by the Fontemoing family, vintners in closeby Liborne, France. They created the new Fronsac vineyard that produce the "new french claret".
In 1918, Louis Seze made the acquisition of the property. A few years later, he left his notary office to devote himself to his field. His son Roger, an agricultural engineer who succeeded him in the early 50s expand the vineyard to make it a beautiful 90 hectare property.
His children Bertrand and Marie-Christine Sèze took in the 80s after the operation. They widened by more than 10 hectares and the area claimed and increased international presence Mayne-Veiil including the United States, China and Western Europe.
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